How to Generate and Maintain Consistency with Dawson
It’s easy to be consistent with things that we value. But how can we be consistent in things that we aren’t excited about?
Mindset matters. What you believe you can do, you’ll do and consistency will rise to meet your level of belief. Start small and your actions will grow.
This episode is jam packed with truth bombs and great insight! Join Dawson and I as we cover:
– The power of mindset. You won’t be able to do it if your mind is already convinced you can’t.
– Starting small. Small wins build your confidence.
– Perspective shift. What do you want to be proud of now as you look back later?
– Power of tracking progress. This keeps your motivation high as you see improvement.
– Importance of following through on your word and commitment
This summer my kids, Dawson (12) and Lainey (8), will be sharing their insight and perspective on a variety of topics and conversations. Of course I’m partial (as a mom should be), but I think these two hosts are my favorite to date.🥰