Win the Day Productions Podcast
I’ve always been a deep diver and lover of authentic, real conversations. Holding space with someone to talk though all the different shades life has to offer is as good as it gets in my world. The process of improvement has always been a fascination of mine. I love to discover how people are wired and how they can use their gifts and strengths to step into their purpose, fully. It can be so tricky to see our blindspots, can’t it? Opening up with a close, trusted and safe circle can peel back the layers as we begin to see things in new ways. There’s new solutions, discoveries and stories to discover when we open ourselves up to vulnerability.
The ironic thing I’ve been thinking about lately is how the message that we carry forward to help others is often the message we need to hear most. Vulnerability does not come easy or natural to me. I’m more of the socially awkward type if I’m being honest. Slowing down and giving myself grace? I much prefer to charge through without resting and land on a hurried result. Submit to the process, trusting the outcome will arrive so long as I don’t quit? I’d rather skip to the end and screw the patience piece all together.
BUT. Experience tells me otherwise. Learning forward asks me to rethink and reset. Life is teaching me that it really is about the journey, not the final destination.
Which leads me to my message I’ve been asked to carry. The message I so desperately need to hear. So much so I’ve created a business around it to be immersed in it daily. And even still, on some days if I’m being honest, it’s not enough. The message needs to be on repeat over and over and over again in my head and heart until I surrender to it.
I have fumbled and tripped my way through steep learning curves but three little words, some creativity and a whole lot of gratitude and Win the Day Productions has continued to grow. A story that was meant for destruction provided a new way. Brokenness that was meant to destroy birthed an outlet and opportunity.
The blog has been such a beautiful space for me to explore this message, this way of life and build community through it. But I felt a nudge for more. I love to speak and teach and dig into conversations with people and the Win the Day Productions Podcast allows the opportunity to do just that. I am thrilled to explore this new lane. I can assure you I’m all things awkward, clunky and fish out of water. I don’t like not being good at things but I keep reminding myself to take a depth breath and another step forward. This is new to me, of course my first podcast isn’t going to be my best…and thank goodness for that! How weird would it be if I was a total pro the first time I tried something?! Once again, I’m reminded it’s about the process, the journey, not the final product.
So what’s the message behind the Win the Day Productions Podcast? The same beautiful message I’ve needed to hear all along. It’s an encouragement and sweet reminder to rest in the day that presents itself each morning, surrendering what we can’t control and stewarding the 24 hours we have been gifted. It’s daily progress toward becoming the best version of ourselves, shifting our perspective and leaning in. It’s a community of people called to make a difference, serve others and live the life they were called to.
It’s a posture, it’s an attitude, it’s a way of life, to ‘Win the Day’, every day.
What’s my purpose? How can I overcome adversity? Can I find joy in hardship? How can I become my best self? How do I win each day? What’s my perspective? What motivates me? What do I value?
We will answer ALL of these questions and so and more! Each week we’ll discover how people are wired, how they process the world and how their strengths can be used to win each day.
Can you imagine how differently we would walk out our days if we understood our true value? Can you imagine the collective compound effect of living life this way?
Now that looks different for all of us but together we’ll learn how to live the life we’re called to.
Ready to be inspired and become a part of the movement? Stay tuned because tomorrow Win the Day Productions Podcast launches and I could not be more excited.
Woo Hoo! So cool to see how God has walked you through this journey and now given you this additional platform to use. Excited to see where this next chapter will take you. So proud of you!
Love this Becky!
” A story that was meant for destruction provided a new way. Brokenness that was meant to destroy birthed an outlet and opportunity” ~ Becky Allen
Amen and Praise the Lord, His faithfulness is new every morning. HE has provided a way an avenue for you to reach so many who need to hear this messge.
Thanks for being vulnerable and real and your williness to share.